A Kind Word

People’s lives are a maelstrom of fear, emotional anxiety and depression due to the current financial woes, crime and other assorted challenges in the form of ill health, marital discord and social disorder.

In this cauldron of upheavals, the least one can do is offer a kind word, an encouraging pat on the back. It might not solve the next person’s problems, but it will provide a morale boost, and some much-needed strength to face up to the challenges presented by life.

The words of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ring down the corridors of time, offering just such advice: “Treat people with ease and do not be hard on them; give them glad tidings and do not make them run away.” This is the fibre of society, providing hope in seemingly unending despair.

Words alone cannot solve a medical problem for example. But they can give mental strength which in turn aids the healing process. Once again, the astute teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him strike a chord: “When you go to visit a sick person, express a hope that he will live long. That will not avert anything, but it will comfort him.” The power of positive thought in helping with healing has a respectable following in the medical community.

How many a suicidal person’s life has been saved by positive words, and how many a successful career has been launched by motivational speeches? We can never gauge the impact and ripple effect of a kind word.

The Quran expresses the power of kind words, which can at times be better than physical help in verse 263 of chapter 2:  “Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury…” Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught us lessons in how to transfer positive reality to others with words and gestures.

In a dark world, a kind word is a precious commodity.

Muhammad Badsha